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Flexible working and creating a personal, effective work schedule can benefit employers employees, clients and social groups. Businesses are now recognising the importance of a work-life balance and are offering their staff a number of opportunities in terms of remote working, flexible hours and employee benefits. Whether this means working from home twice a week, finishing early on a Friday or having an option for core working hours, these opportunities have provided endless benefits in terms of employee satisfaction, finances, productivity and well-being. Let’s take a deeper look into effective working hours and how this modern routine is changing workplaces.

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What is flexible working?

Having a flexible work schedule could mean different things to different employers, but in a nutshell, means having flexibility around how and when you work. These work patterns are typically a personal change to a regular routine and are adapted to suit individual needs and requirements. There are a number of different types of flexible working arrangements including part-time work, flexi-time, remote working or staggered hours. Some people might be more productive later on in the day so require a later start, whilst another employee may need an early finish so they can do the school run. The main point of flexible working is so employees can combine work and lifestyle and create a routine which is right for them whilst still meeting company requirements.

Benefits of flexible working

Employers across the world have implemented flexible strategies into their businesses and often use this as an advantage when it comes to recruitment and maintaining staff. Flexible working hours offer benefits to both the employer and employees, some of which overlap and some of which are more personal.

Employee productivity

People are now starting to understand that not everyone works their best during the hours of 9-5. Companies are now taking a different approach to core hours in the hope this boosts employee productivity and thus improves work quality. This provides benefits for the worker and business as it boosts productivity and motivation levels. We already know not everyone is a morning person, so whilst someone prefers doing 7 o’clock until 3 o’clock, another employee could be most productive between the hours of 10 and 6. That’s where flexi-time comes in which is where companies are changing their core hours and allowing employees to start and finish their shifts at different times.

Financial benefits

In terms of finances, flexible working will decrease spending for both sides. For employees, their flexible routine could mean working from home twice a week, meaning they are saving money and time on commuting, petrol money and public transport. They can also adapt their travel times to commute at less busy hours. From a business perspective, the employer will be saving money in terms of electricity and resources. Modern offices have also started implementing renting opportunities, collaborative spaces or desk sharing for other companies so they’re making money off unused space.

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Work-life balance

One of the biggest advantages of flexible working is the work-life balance it offers. People no longer have to wait for the weekend to make plans, see friends or make appointments as there is more time in the week to socialise and plan. During the winter time especially, workers are leaving home when it’s dark and come home when it’s dark which can have a huge impact on employee well-being and mental state. Flexible working provides the opportunity to work around your lifestyle and still make time for things that make you happy. This could include going to the gym, seeing family members or going for a dog walk. Things many people struggle to fit into their standard 9-5 routine.


Many employees are moving workplaces or changing positions due to requiring flexibility. With so many companies now offering that as a benefit, why wouldn’t they? Introducing flexible working into a business strategy, can improve the recruitment process, bring in a higher level of applicants and decrease staff turnover. No matter what route a business decides to go down, seeing flexibility on a job application immediately attracts an applicant as it’s a sign the business is up to date with the current climate, values its employees and is open to a new way of working.

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The future of flexible working

So what does the future look like for flexible working? Over the past few years, this new practice has already made a huge impact in a number of different industries and is most definitely here to stay. With so many companies making this a must-have, the companies who don’t implement it will see a decline in their recruitment, employee satisfaction and possibly business success. When applying for jobs, people are looking for benefits, especially if they’re unhappy in their current position.

Flexible working will also become even more adaptable in terms of where people are working. We’ve already seen a few companies offer ‘ unlimited holidays ‘. This doesn’t mean the holiday allowance employees are handed annually, instead, this means companies are allowing their staff to work remotely, anytime, anywhere. The employee will still be required to meet their weekly hours but instead of working from home, they can take up their tasks on a beach somewhere or in a countryside cottage. Although most remote companies are offering this, many hybrid companies may begin to implement it too alongside providing the right equipment for productivity working.

Flexible working arrangements for businesses across the UK

Need help or advice with anything we’ve mentioned above? Advanced Commercial Interiors has been helping businesses reimagine their office and commercial spaces since 2009. Based in Nottingham, we cover the UK, including Derby, Birmingham, Leicester, and Manchester.

From small re-fits to something a little more ambitious, drop us a line on 0115 939 7572 with your project enquiry and we’ll be in touch.